Vminds Technologies
Vminds Technologies

Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of English grammar that grade 7 students need to master. It ensures that the subject and the verb in a sentence agree in terms of number and person. An agreement error in a sentence can make it grammatically incorrect and difficult to understand. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to create a semi-detailed lesson plan that will help students understand the basics of subject-verb agreement.


The introduction should be brief and should aim to create interest among students about the importance of subject-verb agreement. A few examples of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors can be used to capture their attention.


The objective of the lesson is to help grade 7 students understand the basics of subject-verb agreement. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify the subject and verb in a sentence and ensure that they agree according to the number and person.


The materials required for the lesson include:

1. A whiteboard or chalkboard

2. Marker or chalk

3. A list of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors

4. Worksheets for practice activities


The teacher should follow the following steps to ensure a successful lesson:

1. Start by explaining what subject-verb agreement is and its importance in English grammar. Give examples of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors to illustrate how it affects the meaning of a sentence.

2. Proceed to explain how to identify the subject and verb in a sentence. This can be done by breaking down a few sample sentences and asking students to identify the subject and verb.

3. The teacher should then explain how to ensure subject-verb agreement. This involves understanding the number and person of the subject and verb. For instance, a singular subject requires a singular verb while a plural subject requires a plural verb. Similarly, first-person subjects require first-person verbs, second-person subjects require second-person verbs, and third-person subjects require third-person verbs.

4. To help students practice, provide a list of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors. Ask students to identify the errors and correct them. Alternatively, hand out worksheets with similar activities.

5. Finally, end the lesson by summarizing the key points and reiterating the importance of subject-verb agreement in English grammar.


A semi-detailed lesson plan for subject-verb agreement in grade 7 is essential in helping students understand this critical aspect of English grammar. By following a structured procedure, teachers can ensure that students grasp the fundamentals of subject-verb agreement and apply them correctly in their writing. The lesson plan can also be adjusted to incorporate different teaching styles, such as group work, to cater to the different learning needs of students.